School has started!
Everyone is already a few weeks in and it's going to be an interesting semester. For me, there's lots of writing classes. Writing for broadcasting/film, Writing for Public Relations, an online Radio/TV/Film class, and a Pop Culture class (that is more a cultural studies class than it is what you would think a pop culture class would be). Not only are the classes full of excitement, but there is a trip to Haiti being planned! I'm very excited to have the possibility of going and I hope and pray that I am able to get the funds and make the time to go do relief work over there. I was able to design a T-shirt for the trip.
I thank you all for any support (be it cash, prayers, stuff to send, etc.) for the trip and I hope God can do something great through it.
Everything is going great in life outside of school. I'm am still deeply in love with my beautiful Meghan (with my current plans, there will be MANY blogs about her soon...) Things are great with my family and friends, and I hope I can see all of you soon enough.
God is good. I've learned that if I trust Him, He will do amazing things. And the happiness that He has provided me, with just that thought alone, is more wonderful than anything I could ever imagine.
I hope you all are enjoying the rain and have a beautiful week!