Monday, May 24, 2010

Re Read

I have a few things to recommend today:

One is: Read This Book

It has changed my life, and I'm reading it for a second time, and it is once again changing my life.

The second is: Read books more than once. There is always something more to learn from a sentence you've already read.

The 3rd is: Never forget that beauty doesn't exist independently, but only points us to something that is truly beautiful. (Learned from doing steps 1 and 2)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Summer Days

So I haven't been the best blogger lately....or in the past few months. But I have recently been inspired to get back into blogging. Here's a few things I've had my eyes for summer while I've been gone:

I really want a pair of these:

And I really want this:

And I've also been on a hat search, but I think that's going nowhere fast. But that's okay, summer is at hand, and I'm thoroughly looking forward to it.

So far planned we have:

/Lots of Beach Days
/Star Wars Viewing (for first-timers, can you believe it?!)
/Great Novels and Non-fiction
/Cheap Movie Theater Visits
/Park Days with Dogs

And that's just to name a few. To say the least, I'm excited. I hope you are too.