Saturday, August 23, 2008

Not-So Endless Summer

So a couple friends and I decided to have a BBQ last night. It was a very spur of the moment thing and we ended up at Brandon's House.

We set up a couple very large pieces of wood against a wall, a projector, and a laptop and the fun began.

Brandon showed us how to draw on people's faces

Jason pulls off this look well

Cookies and cream and mint chocolate chip go surprisingly well together.

We proceeded to watch Big Fish (a wonderful movie if you haven't seen it) and enjoy the evening sky. Overall, a pretty awesome night.

There was also carne asada and other good mexican treasures earlier in the day, but I forgot to take pictures. The deliciousness hindered my ability to think properly.

1 comment:

Ana said...

it was a lot of fun & very "American" of us. WHOO HOO: RED, WHITE & BLUE!!!! sorry, the Olympics are still very real to me, : ( im sad its over. Both the Olympics, & BIG FISH