Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Too Long To Be Gone

Life has been full of so many surprises recently, and honestly, I love them all.

Probably the most pressing news I should update you all with is that I finished school!

After 2 1/2 years at Chaffey College,
another 2 years at CSUF,
and a Winter semester at Mt. SAC,
I have completed the 120 units required to get my BA in Communications, with an emphasis in Public Relations.

It feels very unreal right now, and I constantly feel as though I have homework that I need to do, or class to get to, and I have to continuously remind myself that I never will have to go to class again. (although I may return for grad school one day)

Finishing school, along with its giant sigh of relief, comes with overwhelming responsibilities and, with my getting married in July (only 117 days left), I truly am feeling the full pressure of being an adult.

This is the most awesome, exciting, scary, life-changing, and blessed time in my life. I am thrilled to see what God has in store for me and my future wife.

Here's me shredding on my skateboard.
I still feel like I'm this young
& many would agree I still look this age


Ana said...

lee pipes? or dungarees?

GeorgiaDes said...

oh those babies were pipes. They were the only pants I would wear.