Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Thursday, October 6, 2011


It's almost been 3 months since the wedding and I cannot believe it. So now that I've had some time to settle in, I'd like to share some of our honeymoon with you all.

We stayed in Seattle at the Alexis Hotel in Downtown Seattle. It was a beautiful hotel and only blocks from Pikes Place Market

We visited, and contributed to, the famous gum wall

Went to the Aquarium, there were animals there too

It was really cool, but kinda smelled weird

Went to a Mariners game (J.J.!!!!)

Went to Gas Works Park, which was really pretty and fun. We watched sea planes land and we thought they weren't going to make it every time.

And we got all fancy for the best steak we've ever had at the Metropolitan Grill in downtown. We even got dessert for free! Honeymoon perks

Here's a video of a pedicab ride we took. It was fun, and our driver was so friendly

I couldn't have asked for a more perfect honeymoon.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Husband in happiness

I'm back! Back from the honeymoon, back to work, back to regular life (although regular life includes a wife now) and I'm loving it. Being married is so cool. I know that "it's gonna be tough" and "I've got a lot to learn" and every other bit of advice that I've been given by married couples young and old. The truth is, I don't like it when people tell me stuff like that. It makes me feel like they regret their marriage, like they want out. As if I've made some huge mistake (which unfortunately some would argue). I never want to see my marriage or my wife in any form of negative light. I know this will take a lot of work and, most of all, Jesus, but I think it's worth it...

Don't you?

So for everyone who has given me their advice, I'd like to give some in return:

Love your spouse like you just got married two weeks ago.

It's a place where differences don't matter, fights are rare, and smiles are constant. Find that place and live there.

Us dressed up all fancy on our honeymoon

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sundays How they Should Be

My parents always taught me that Sundays are for resting,
spending time with family, and enjoying life.
Now life often gets in the way of, well, life, but I'm glad to say that
today I'm spending a Sunday the way I feel it was intended to be spent

With the one I love the most

Friday, July 30, 2010


I've always wanted a globe. They remind me of
traveling and how much I enjoy this beautiful
place we live. So one trip to World Market
and one 40% off coupon later, I have my globe.
(the little bike came home with us too)