Thursday, October 6, 2011


It's almost been 3 months since the wedding and I cannot believe it. So now that I've had some time to settle in, I'd like to share some of our honeymoon with you all.

We stayed in Seattle at the Alexis Hotel in Downtown Seattle. It was a beautiful hotel and only blocks from Pikes Place Market

We visited, and contributed to, the famous gum wall

Went to the Aquarium, there were animals there too

It was really cool, but kinda smelled weird

Went to a Mariners game (J.J.!!!!)

Went to Gas Works Park, which was really pretty and fun. We watched sea planes land and we thought they weren't going to make it every time.

And we got all fancy for the best steak we've ever had at the Metropolitan Grill in downtown. We even got dessert for free! Honeymoon perks

Here's a video of a pedicab ride we took. It was fun, and our driver was so friendly

I couldn't have asked for a more perfect honeymoon.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Husband in happiness

I'm back! Back from the honeymoon, back to work, back to regular life (although regular life includes a wife now) and I'm loving it. Being married is so cool. I know that "it's gonna be tough" and "I've got a lot to learn" and every other bit of advice that I've been given by married couples young and old. The truth is, I don't like it when people tell me stuff like that. It makes me feel like they regret their marriage, like they want out. As if I've made some huge mistake (which unfortunately some would argue). I never want to see my marriage or my wife in any form of negative light. I know this will take a lot of work and, most of all, Jesus, but I think it's worth it...

Don't you?

So for everyone who has given me their advice, I'd like to give some in return:

Love your spouse like you just got married two weeks ago.

It's a place where differences don't matter, fights are rare, and smiles are constant. Find that place and live there.

Us dressed up all fancy on our honeymoon

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Invites

Our travel inspired wedding has not been manifested more than through the invitations we decided go with. Designed, created & delivered by the one and only Brandon Franco: these invites blew me away. I've seen this idea done before, but never like this. Brandon, you are amazing. I'd like to share them with you all.





Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 393

Thanks for a great Bachelor Party Guys

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 390

Meghan and I have been engaged now for 390 days, which means there are only 18 days left until the wedding!
There is so much to do, but life has never been better. I can't describe how it feels to be in this place, but it's a mixture of wonderful, exciting, anxious, and hopeful.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Training Day

A few weekends ago I went out shooting with my future father-in-law and some friends.

We had a really great time.

P.S. Now I want this

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Boom! Manifested.

Just a few days ago I posted a selfish blog about things I really want. Well lucky for me, one of them has already found a place in my home.
I made a trip to Treasures&Junk on Friday with my sister and stumbled upon some amazing finds, one of which was a steel caged fan.
I've seen these for $65 + online and I was able to score this for $30!

(I love that it's GE. Makes me think of Jack Donaghy)

Not only did I find the fan, but I also found a typerwriter

(Only $15!!! and it works)

And this ruler that I'm using as a picture frame/holder

I love all three of these and they are really helping us achieve the style and feeling Meghan and I want our home to have.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Even though moving out has caused me to be more broke than ever before, my list of wants continues to grow. Here are the latest:

Red Wing 9016

Steel Cage Vintage Desk Fan

Mossberg 500 Blackwater Shotgun

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Saving Dates

By now I'm sure many, if not all, of you have seen these. But for those who haven't and those who'd like to see them again, here are our save the dates

Designed by the amazing Brandon Franco

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

DIY Coffee Table

Moving out meant I needed a lot of furniture I had never needed before: a couch, a kitchen table, a book case, and (of course) a coffee table. I've always wanted a cool coffee table and I fell in love with this one from World Market.

Unfortunately, this table is $280.
So, as much as I liked this, I knew there was a cheaper solution.
A month of thinking and a lot of hard work later, this was made:

This table started off as a palette(1) that I then cut down(2). I used some of the spare pieces of wood to create a shelf underneath the table(4). I bought some legs (welding steel) and attached them to the table(3).

Total cost for this table:

And I think it looks great in my living room

Monday, May 2, 2011

Week of Firsts

I'll be doing things for the first time a lot this week.

- Living solo
- Signing up for gas/electric/internet service (I recommend doing this before you move in somewhere)
- Buying groceries
- Taking cold showers (due to my lack of urgency on setting up the gas)
- And lots more.

It's kind of scary, but it's really fun. I'm excited for these few months I'll have to be out on my own before I get married, and I think it's going to be nothing short of an adventure.


(after...for now)

Coming Soon: lots and lots of projects. Can't wait to share.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sundays How they Should Be

My parents always taught me that Sundays are for resting,
spending time with family, and enjoying life.
Now life often gets in the way of, well, life, but I'm glad to say that
today I'm spending a Sunday the way I feel it was intended to be spent

With the one I love the most

Friday, April 15, 2011

Christ & Culture Revisited

I've got a lot of time on my hands now that I've finished school. Even while planning a wedding, my constant multi-tasking has turned to just a few tasks and errands. I now get to enjoy all the things I used to, simply because I want to. This is one of those things.

I'm getting back into the swing of my casual reading and Carson's Christ & Culture Revisited was exactly what I needed. Carson goes into a deep analysis of culture and what Christ means to our culture today. It's been relaxing to be able to sit with a cup of coffee and read Carson's thoughts.

Next on my casual read list:

Big God by Britt Merrick & Bossypants by Tina Fey

P.S. The picture above was taken on our (Meghan and I) new Canon SD1400 that my dad got us as an early wedding gift! Thank you Dad!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Too Long To Be Gone

Life has been full of so many surprises recently, and honestly, I love them all.

Probably the most pressing news I should update you all with is that I finished school!

After 2 1/2 years at Chaffey College,
another 2 years at CSUF,
and a Winter semester at Mt. SAC,
I have completed the 120 units required to get my BA in Communications, with an emphasis in Public Relations.

It feels very unreal right now, and I constantly feel as though I have homework that I need to do, or class to get to, and I have to continuously remind myself that I never will have to go to class again. (although I may return for grad school one day)

Finishing school, along with its giant sigh of relief, comes with overwhelming responsibilities and, with my getting married in July (only 117 days left), I truly am feeling the full pressure of being an adult.

This is the most awesome, exciting, scary, life-changing, and blessed time in my life. I am thrilled to see what God has in store for me and my future wife.

Here's me shredding on my skateboard.
I still feel like I'm this young
& many would agree I still look this age

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Club 33

Thanks to the AHASC, Meghan and I were fortunate enough to enjoy a dinner at Club 33 in late November.

I have always dreamed of dining there and it greatly exceeded my expectations.

Upon entering Club 33, you are greeted with the sweet smell of aged wood and classic pieces of design on every wall. Dinner is served in five courses, each having their own elegant taste and unique spin on, in my mind, the fanciest dinner ever.

After dinner we were allowed to roam the halls of Club 33 and see pieces of furniture and collector items that belonged to Mr. Walt Disney himself.

I am so thankful that I not only got to experience this wonderful place, but I was able to share this experience with my fiance.

Simply put, if you ever get a chance to go to Club 33, do it!